Yes, this one.
This is Nala.
She has the perfect round-eyed innocent look going on, but don't let her fool you. She is the bane of my crafty existence!
She is small, and warm, and furry, and cuddly, and has the loudest purr I've ever heard on such a small cat. And those big round eyes. In fact, she is snuggled up on my lap, nose tucked into my armpit, as I type.
She also has a yarn fetish. Do not, I repeat, do not leave anything yarny lying around. Do not put down your crochet project unattended. Do not leave your craft basket open. In fact, do not leave it closed if the lid is not weighed down with a heavy book.
This kind of thing is the result - fluffy, felted patches from a cat who cannot help but lick yarny stuff. Kind of ruins the look of a nice slouchy beanie, or a textured scarf. Or, if she gets ahold of some yarn, she could end up with a foot of it down her throat, which your husband has to carefully pull back up (ew!).
If she squeezes herself under your sewing cabinet (while the doors are closed), she will grab a random spool of thread (most likely your elastic shirring thread) and play with it all over the sewing room, tangling it hopelessly and rendering it unuseable.
It's not only me it affects, either. She has a thing for pipe-cleaners - those long fuzzy bendy craft items that S loves. We find them all over the house, frequently soaking wet after having been dragged to a cat water bowl, dumped in it, fished out again, and played with all over the kitchen floor. If you bury them in a craft box, she digs them out again. If you put them in a zip-lock bag, she plays with the bag. She just has a nose for finding them, wherever they are.
So don't tell me those eyes are innocent!
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