Since we finished the first one, we've been wanting to make another. There are so many possibilities unexplored! What I'd really love is space in our garden to build a permanent one, but the only really suitable space has large, well established and very thorny rose bushes in it, so not particularly friendly. It would be really cute otherwise. I'd ditch the roses, but we're renting so they're not ours to get rid of ;)
Anyway, pots it is. We were fresh out of pots, so I put out a call on our local Freecycle network, and almost immediately received an email from someone saying they were doing a huge garden clean-up and had a bunch of pots. So I headed over there, and came back with 3-4 large pots, a couple of smalls, a bird bath (has a hole in it, no good as a birdie bath, but PERFECT for a fairy garden!), a bird feeder that hangs from a tree, a lamp that hangs from a tree, a Japanese Maple tree, some solar garden lights that change colour, and a few other bits and pieces. What a generous couple! Thanks, Neil & Julie!
(We have since given one of those pots away, filled with all sorts of goodies to start a fairy garden, as a birthday present for a friend of S - can't wait to see what they do with it!)
So this next garden is going to have some different features than the first one. The house is going to be a small (not actually as small as I'd like, but it's OK) terracotta pot laid on its side and partially buried, to make a little grotto. We'll build up some dirt on either side, and get some moss growing over the top, so it kind of looks like it's a hole in the side of a hill. I'm in the process of super-gluing rocks around the top edge of the pot, to give it a more natural look. This part alone takes a few days, as the curved shape means that I have to turn it and only glue on a few rocks at a time, else they'll all just slide off.
Other goodies planned for this garden include a tree made from a pine-cone - well, actually, it will just be a pine cone, will have to work out how to get it to stay standing; some Love-In-The-Mist, a blue gravel path, a garden bench that I will attempt to make from clay & paddlepop sticks (if it works, I'll do a blog entry just on that), more toadstools, a little outdoor table & chairs, some rock-edged garden beds, and some Marigold & Alyssum seeds to plant. S wants more daisies in it. Oh, and perhaps a small geranium, though that means we'll have to be careful where we put the garden as we will want to protect it from frost. I'm keen for a small herb of some sort - perhaps oregano. We've got a larger pot this time, so we'll have to see how much we can squeeze in. Right now, all we have is a pot full of dirt! Stay tuned :)
If you want to see where this lead, follow this trail.
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