Thursday, 22 August 2013

Belated Intro

So now that I've made a first post, perhaps I should post more of an introduction. I always like to jump right in, so forgive me for doing things backwards ;) I'm Kirkie. D & I are parents to the amazing S. We have two cats, Mindy & Nala, and a bird; Hermogenes. We're a bit on the crunchy side - full-term breastfeeding, co-sleeping, gentle/attachment parenting, homeschooling, etc, etc. We're committed followers of Jesus. We live in the city, but prefer a slower life (now, if I could just convince D to move out of the city...;) ). I'd love to grow more of our own food, and am slowly working on it. I love to make stuff. I crochet a lot, sew a bit, draw a bit, garden a bit, think a lot, read a lot, and cook a lot. I also drink a lot of tea. I *can* knit, but generally I don't. Crochet is way better! I'm a feminist. I also have a small business as an Independent Norwex Sales Consultant - check if out if you want to know more about chemical-free cleaning and organic skin-care.  This blog will mostly be about crafty stuff, though. Stuff I'm making, stuff I want to make, crochet patterns, our growing collection of fairy gardens, and whatever else takes my fancy at the time. I tend to think that while life is linear if you simply measure the passage of time, most of what we do looks more like a spiral, focusing in for a while, and then backing off for a while, and I expect this blog will look a bit like that, too. I spend most of my days hanging out with S, at home or out and about, just doing life together, enjoying the wonder (and enduring the frustration) of watching & guiding this little person as she grows and learns and blossoms into the strong, confident, intelligent, capable person that we can already see within her...and hopefully inspiring her to love craft as much as I do (so far, so good).  So, that's me. Hi!

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